Legacy Tip: Legacy Element of Restful Emptiness

Legacy Tip: Legacy Element of Restful Emptiness

To hear more about Restful Emptiness as a Legacy Element, listen to the Build Your Legacy Podcast here.

Restful Emptiness is the final of the four elements of change as part of the Building Your Legacy Podcast Series. No one can be effective in the other three elements of change if we do not practice restful emptiness. Bravery, Passion, and Forgiveness will wain in the building of our legacy unless we intentionally set time for restful emptiness.

Hebrews 4:9-10

There remaineth, therefore, a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

This ceasing from our works is entering into times of rest in God with open hands or without focus on anything but Him. When we are open-handed, it helps us to be open-hearted, ready to rest in Him. It is in those times of emptying ourselves of doing and thinking before entering into His rest that allows us to find His rest, not our rest.

Emptiness is releasing our burdens, plans, and thoughts to God. After we release all of this to God, we need to rest, be still and breathe deeply. We can go to a new place or our familiar quiet place; the important part of this is that you hand everything over to God, open our hearts, and back up into His rest.

Rest without first emptying ourselves is physical rest, which is needed and good. But the rest that follows being still and empty enables us to find a fruit-bearing res of mind, soul, body, and spirit, which will enrich you and others to return to building your legacy in God.

It can be an hour, a day, or a few minutes, the length of time does not meach as much as the depth of release and rest you allow yourself to experience in His presence.

Restful emptiness allows us to arise empty and ready to be filled, directed, and re-aligned with God and our purpose. This restful emptiness also gives us renewed focus to build our legacy every day with God.

Until next time, remember, we craft our legacy daily, do it as it becometh you. If you would like to the podcast of this Legacy Element of Restful Emptiness, click here.

The other legacy elements and many other topics are included in the “Legacy Tips” podcast. Because life is crazy and busy, each of them is ten minutes or less.

Remember, that legacy is the life we live, the choices we make, the truths we share, and the love we unconditionally give, knowing no one is perfect, but we can all bear fruit and fruit that will remain.

To listen to the podcasts as they are published, I will be posting for each one. If you are on the email listing, you will get them directly to your inbox.

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