
This post is the revelatory teaching notes that Dr. Aikens taught from in the Bootcamp entitled “Transformative Mindset vs. Residue!”. Posted by Rev. Jane Babich after attending the Bootcamp.

As part of our revelatory high calling, it is the Transformative Mind of Christ which we are exhorted to “just let be in us” as Paul revealed it in: Philippians 2:1-18.
Philippians 2:1-18
If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain. Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me.
We learn this “Mindset” is that “Mark” for the “Prize”; that is our “Revelatory High Calling!” Paul teaches he willingly consecrated the rest of his life as but an interim for him to become; that “Revelatory Nazarite”. For the Lord fully persuaded him; those same pricks he’d found so hard to kick against; proved it had always become him to be just that; as revealed in Him!
We learn, just letting His mind be in us; is, in fact, a key to more abundantly living aloud the Life, Jesus paid all, for us to have.
We learn; it is that same mind Jesus let be in Him; that enabled Him to then utterly humble Himself to be our example of having a focused, decisive dedication to pay the exorbitant cost of denying even His deity; willingly lay it all aside and refrain from all He knew was His ability, privilege, and prerogative to have, be or do in any lifetime; to do what He purposed being God!
We learn we’re to let that same mind be in us; so as Jesus life and lifestyle proved He did; we not just “separate ourselves” unto the Lord, but we’ll voluntarily step up; having counted the cost, yet still ready to begin the process to consecrate ourselves to be readied; for His use. We begin, by defining what it is to separate, in order to be separate unto the Lord for His use!
“Shall Separate; To Separate” (Numbers 6:2)
Shall Separate signifies we must do the difficult yet wonderful work that distinguishes, and cannot be hidden; for God begins working with us.
The revelatory is the same spiritual accomplishing that makes a rising, highly distinct difference seen. By our sacrifice; marvelous miracles and difficult wonderous greater works are performed; to differentiate between us; and those who do not press into the same intimately knowing of the Lord.
To Separate:
To Separate is the root word of which signifies to be separate unto the Lord; as is the Nazarite. Here it signifies how God sees or receives us to hold aloof; for all to see; as being His proofs.
The revelatory is, it signifies God raises us up as His standards; those who will desist, abstain and withdraw themselves from indulging in intoxicating foods, drinks or situations. 3 different definitions of “separate” in one sentence; is important spiritually!
God knows His separated ones will press into doing the first works; bridling themselves to refrain from any impurities. God lifts, carries us the rest of our way; sheltered, kept in His hand; bound in the spirit; thus, set apart as His devoted, consecrated; focused on His higher thoughts, ways, and sacred purposes; all so that He might accomplish and prosper through us!
Consider Jesus Separation: Numbers 6:1-8 & Philippians 2:1-8 (Apostle-aphrased)
Remember; Jesus, by His very nature was very God; yet never considered using His equality with God to His own advantage; rather, He made Himself be seen as nothing.
Jesus, voluntarily separated Himself unto God to live Revelatory Nazarite vows; aloud! Separated with human nature; He took 30 years consecrating until sent; as it becometh.
Jesus, not only abstained from intoxicants but the pride of life; even defiling residue of leaven in any form or relationship that could possibly hinder His living as it becometh.
Jesus’ life, from the womb, to temple at 12; to being baptized by John; as it becometh them to fulfill all righteousness; exemplified all three vows He’d given the children of Israel.
Jesus, separated; became God’s Revelatory Nazarite and shewed the way of Revelatory High Calling as the truth, light, and life He walked out for us as it becometh Him.
As Jesus but separated Himself; kept His mindset focused on the restful spaciousness of the Exousia; or power and authority of God He walked in; from all residue; coming from both the good and the bad; God did the rest.
He anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power; to be decisively dedicated to go do good; despite evil done to Him; and heal all oppressed of the devil. Acts 10:38 declares God was with through it all although men not understanding His separation abused it.
Consider the spiritual residue of issues Jesus had to endure daily as a ministering Revelatory Nazarite. He was accused so it formed spiritual abuse!
Luke 7:33-34
Jesus was called a wine-bibber; utterly disdained Him as a hard drinker. Residue!
Jesus was accused of being a glutton; a friend of tax collectors and sinners; accused of defiling Himself and His disciples, with His failure to honor traditions of men; by men considering Him too unworthy for the High Calling of being Messiah! Lying Residue!
Jesus, utterly upset religious men, by the liberty He walked in; by teaching He lived as separated unto the Lord. Residue!
Jesus was reviled and accused of failing to display the usual accouterments associated with Nazarites or Rabbi’s; for He often refused to shew men signs to prove Himself more than works He did living aloud before all! Residue; sucked the air He breathed!
Jesus was accused of touching lepers; so being unclean; accused of being homosexual permitting John to lie on His chest believing He loved him best. He was accused of defiling Himself touching the dead He raised; accused when He delivered demoniacs.
Jesus was accused of immorally allowing a great company of women following with His disciples everywhere; ministering to Him of their substance; unheard of! Luke 8:1-3
Consider such abusing residue adds up into what’s collective; “drift in residue”! Yet know the resiliently unflappable Jesus continuously remained separated; purposed in His heart as was Daniel; to not be made to defile Himself with intentional devious residue!
Residue can sicken us daily; in ways, we cannot always see to avoid or abstain from; but we can feel its ill-effects as stuff drifts through our atmosphere; as many pesticides dusting us.
Residue occurs when spray occurs without consciousness of wind direction bringing blowback. Thus, natural, chemical or spiritual; blowback is simply “drift in residue” in action!
Residue can be the expected yet still highly frustrating things loved ones can leave clinging to us; as in beloved dog’s hair.
“Drift in Residue”

Drift in Residue is a movement of floating or a dusting of sifted substances; heaping particles that remain behind; affecting atmospheres; by floating, sticking; perhaps being ingested or inhaled. Such residue can be adversely absorbed; remain to plague the non-selected, unprotected; never targeted for its application.
Drift in Residue can be just as dangerously adversarial and intentional even more so in considering spiritually intangible things; like abuse, we considered Jesus endured.
Drift in residue usually forms irritants floating or coatings all able to affect the atmosphere or physical substances, nature, emotionally or spiritually; and to the good, bad or ugly. Such residue can cling to every surface; even unnoticed on us; until inadvertently seen accompanying us into places and situations we never meant.
Drift in residue can seem, adversarial and wreak atmospheric havoc; by spewing its toxicity; or infiltrate personal spaces; where we breathe in sickening or lethal poison.
This is why it behooves us to have the mindset Jesus had; that “Mind of Christ”; so, we’re able at all times; to stop take stock and wisely and responsively; not reactively; therefore able; to circumspectly filter; through all the ever-present “drift in reside”.
Closing Example: John 8:1-7
Consider when the Pharisees devious as usual toward Jesus; foolishly thought to bring the residue of someone else’s sin to embarrass and challenge His ability to keep His sound mind of Christ-focused as it becometh Him.
Consider, Jesus, was well known for His ability to remain resiliently and unflappably separated unto God; or spiritually cool, despite any incoming, residue filled, fiery dart.
His inscrutable peace-filled mindset caused Jesus to be a major frustration to all His many adversaries. They incessantly came to frustrate sense of purpose; to intentionally test His integrity and patient resolve; by constantly bringing their residue and issues.
After Jesus returned from the Mount of Olives where He usually separated Himself from the hubbub of ministry to go pray, so clear His head, refocus His mind and cleanse His heart; He returned to the city and entered the temple to teach in that particular season.
When word went out Jesus was there; people came from everywhere and inadvertently brought their “spiritual residue drifting in with them”; yet as they sat having ears to hear the Spirit; Jesus graciously taught a revelation of scripture; as it becometh Him.
He taught with revelatory power and authority; Rhema of God’s Word spoken that brings the ability to men’s hearts to change despite the presence of heavy residue.
As He taught; the usual devious crew of scribes and Pharisees that always sought to trip Him up; with all kinds of idle words, tales and drift in the residue of false accusations; came once again.
They came to intentionally and arrogantly; interrupt His flow. This time they self-righteously and disrespectfully; brought a woman taken in adultery. And when they cast her down in the midst, interrupting Him; they said; “OK Master; this woman was taken in adultery; in the very act!
Now we know Moses commanded; such a one must be stoned; but of course, we want to know what do you say? They said this to tempt Him; hoping they’d cause even more to be heard, they could further accuse Him of. But Jesus never said a word; as the listening crowd watched; He stooped as if He hadn’t heard them; that by itself was dismissive of the intent by which they asked. Then Jesus did an even stranger thing; for He wrote in the residue of dust they all trod on; with His finger.
John 8:6-16 (Apostle-aphrased)

When the Pharisees persisted asking His revelation on what they already knew the law said; thinking to press in to trap Him; Jesus stood to speak to that Pharisaical crew of living “drift in residue”; and gave them His carefully responsive, revelatory answer.
Jesus said; “Tell you what; he without sin among you; cast that first stone” at her! Then what may seem even stranger; but in the humility, it becometh us to walk in; working out our Revelatory High Calling;’ Jesus stooped, backing up into the Holy Spirit again; waiting while truth worked its way.
And one by one convicted; they conscience-stricken, eased out of the crowd leaving the woman behind. This time Jesus stood and asked; “Woman, where are your accusers? Is there no man left to condemn you”? She answered; “No one, Lord”! And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go on your way and from now on sin no more!
Then without hesitation, Jesus turned back to teaching the crowd listening and watching. He said; “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life”.
But some Pharisees already in and staying behind in the crowd; openly rebuked Him; and said; “You are testifying on Your own behalf; Your testimony is not valid and is utterly worthless”! “Drift in Residue is hard to get rid of!
Jesus answered; “Even if I do testify on My own behalf, My, testimony is true and reliable and valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from or where I am going. You set yourselves up to judge according to the flesh; by what you see. So, you condemn by external, human standards. But not I! I do not set Myself up to judge or condemn or sentence anyone. And yet; even if I were to judge; know My judgment would be true; My decisions right; for I am never alone in making them; But there are two of Us at work; I and the Father; Who sent Me.
This, beloveds; is how the “Transformative Mind of Christ” moves with abject humility in handling all adversarial, confrontational drift in residue that intentionally rises up against us as it did with Jesus. The enemy loves inconvenient times to come make us feel disdained, ashamed, spiritually ignorant; unworthy workman. 2 Timothy 2:15
But not so when we study; which is how we learn to “let this revelatory mind of Christ be in us!” And beloveds; as we do; remember it’s all a process; and regardless of what or who we encounter as that residue many adversaries are, we’ll overcome, accomplish and we shall also prosper as God sends us unto to do; how? As it becometh us!