“Going Forward High Handed”

At a time when God’s people were continually being beguiled by “evil present with them”; He sent His prophet and captain, Isaiah; to faithfully speak truth to lighten that darkness. And again, he obediently went and with quiet confidence men hear loudly; “spoke boldly” to “evil” its future, He said; “Behold saith God, “I will yet come do marvelous, astonishing things among My people. It is My truth when heard, that shall cause subtility’s wisdoms and false understanding completely lacking discernment to vanish. And all Mine good men “shall see”! For I declare “woe” unto evil’s fruit thinking to hide from Me what their counsel wrongly teaches. They speak and cover their evil with darkness; thinking who sees or really knows us?” But I do declare woe!

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When My Heart Feels Overwhelmed!

This post is the revelatory teaching notes that Dr. Aikens taught from in the Bootcamp entitled "When My Heart Feels Overwhelmed!". Posted by Rev. Jane Babich after attending the Bootcamp. When My Heart Feels Overwhelmed!  Life teaches us that drama, perils and its daily pressures and demands upon us can seem totally empowered to delay or deny visions, and dreams with feelings meant to overwhelm the strongest of our hearts and every measure of faith. And yes; all this can so adversely affect us all even to the point where if we’re not careful to navigate on through it all circumspectly; it becomes far too easy to just give in and begin drifting through life aimlessly not knowing what we are supposed to feel. But if we give in to feeling so; we can drift so far off course we…

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Lead Me to The Rock!

This post is the revelatory teaching notes that Dr. Aikens taught from in the Bootcamp entitled "Lead Me to The Rock!". Posted by Rev. Jane Babich after attending the Bootcamp. Psalm 61:1-2 Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer; from the end of the earth, I cry to you!  And when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  “My Heart Feels Overwhelmed”  The Heart is the center of our feelings, will, intellect and control center that feeds or nurtures anything operating unseen within us and affects our life’s course; both naturally and spiritually! The Heart determines our resilience, strength of spirit, integrity, and ability to influence we exhibit in most purpose-driven situations. The Heart’s ability to “feel” actually governs, steers and prevents our drifting aimlessly when ordered steps become hard to see. …

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Persuaded & Surrendered; We Overcome!

This post is the revelatory teaching notes that Dr. Aikens taught from in the Bootcamp entitled "Persuaded & Surrendered; We Overcome!" Posted by Rev. Jane Babich after attending the Bootcamp. Today consider our being surrendered to what “Becometh Us”; enables us to move with a persuaded sense of decorum enabling us to be led; so used by the Spirit to fulfill all righteousness; even in sacrificial hours spiritual protocols of Zoe life require of us as God’s spiritual-minded vessels.  Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me, if any man enters in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out, and find pasture. John…

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Joseph Stepping Down to a Higher Call

This post is the revelatory teaching notes that Dr. Aikens taught from in the Bootcamp entitled "Joseph Stepping Down to a Higher Call". Posted by Rev. Jane Babich after attending the Bootcamp. Sometimes we step down to a higher call as preparation for the work of God. Genesis 37:2-4 These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report. Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors. And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and…

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Faith Cometh to Rebuke Mess! (It’s so Key!)

This post is the revelatory teaching notes that Dr. Aikens taught from in the Bootcamp entitled "Faith Cometh to Rebuke Mess!". Posted by Rev. Jane Babich after attending the Bootcamp. Faith Cometh to Rebuke Mess!” (It’s so Key!) Today we consider two bedrock key principles of salvation; “Grace and Faith”. We do so to get an understanding that Grace is given to strengthen us for the press, and Faith comes to rebuke the mess! So, getting a revelation of this concept beloveds; is absolutely Key!  Faith untried may be true faith, but it is sure to be little faith; likely to remain small; unable to rebuke subtility so we’d behave wisely in trials. Such was Adam's and his woman’s problem. Genesis 3:8 Apostle-phrased! And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of…

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Absolute and Key; Working What Would Worketh Me!

This post is the revelatory teaching notes that Dr. Aikens taught from in the Bootcamp entitled "Absolute & Key: Working What Would Worketh Me". Posted by Rev. Jane Babich after attending the Bootcamp. James 1: 3-4 tells us a key principle of our faith we’ll find is absolute, it’s that; “We’re to know this; that the trying of our faith “worketh” patience. Therefore, “let” patience have her perfecting work; that we then; may be found perfect, entire; wanting in no area! What does all this mean? Whenever we’re being “worked” by whatever’s been “permitted”; and all must be permitted to come to nigh those who are the Lord’s; when we can’t see the way out; thus, feel a spiritual time out should have been called long ago; we get anxious, we fret; we become vexed; double-minded; short-tempered; even depressed as…

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Discerning Evil Present With, those Thinking to Do Good!

At a time when God’s people were continually being beguiled by “evil present with them”; He sent His prophet and captain, Isaiah; to faithfully speak truth to lighten that darkness. And again, he obediently went and with quiet confidence men hear loudly; “spoke boldly” to “evil” its future, He said; “Behold saith God, “I will yet come do marvelous, astonishing things among My people. It is My truth when heard, that shall cause subtility’s wisdoms and false understanding completely lacking discernment to vanish. And all Mine good men “shall see”! For I declare “woe” unto evil’s fruit thinking to hide from Me what their counsel wrongly teaches. They speak and cover their evil with darkness; thinking who sees or really knows us?” But I do declare woe!

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Discerning the 12 Strongmen Tag-Teams

We’ve worked surely building up our foundational knowledge to more and more understand we’ve very key, amazing nine gifts and fruit of the Spirit. He equips us as believers for individual press towards the mark God sets to work out in our own revelatory high calling. Now consider the gauntlet of oppositional traffic jams the 12 strongmen tag teams form. They hinder press to do good in spiritual relationship we now value as eternal salvation. They make it costly to emulate the Lord; so remain determined to follow Him; despite all those divers temptations we find we may frustratingly fall into. His Grace will help us to not “utterly” fall!

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