Beloved’s there is nothing new under the sun; especially spiritually. Thus it behooves we get it; so we don’t end up getting got. The only way to resist the devil’s tempting and be assured he must flee from us; is we first must learn to remain totally content and confidently remain obediently submitted unto God whatever state we find ourselves. James 4:7
Being content strategically positions us to accomplish and prosper in any doing of our own greater works we’re to work out.
Phillippians 4:11-13 (Apostle-phrasing) This is not about my speaking out because I’m in need; but this is my truth:: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
So, I know feeling debased, brought low, demeaned, disenfranchised, degraded, belittled, humiliated and I also know feelings of abounding, thriving and flourishing prosperity. But everywhere, through every and all circumstances; I am instructed and more importantly “learned” the secret wisdom all my experiences lived reveal. So, despite facing perils of neediness or self-fulfillment; I yet know I have life more abundantly!

Because I’ve also learned; I truly do all such things through Christ; for its His grace that strengthens me.
“Learned to be Content”
Learned: signifies a technical term used to express having been initiated into
Content: is when one has been made to realize that they are already in possession of or have at their disposable a sufficient supply; or what they feel is a totally reliable; or even an infallible source; they feel completely contained within certain limits.
Content: signifies having learned to have a contented mind; to be self-complacent, thus able to be constant; in being strategically contented within any state we find ourselves
The revelatory is it also signifies a spiritual contentment which also enables us to remain quietly confident; thus, undisturbed about any circumstance or state in life we find ourselves being faced with. It represents that progressive state of oneness we’ve learned taking the yoke of Christ on; so, letting His mind be in us; binds us in the spirit to His overflowing source of perfect peace.
Remember; this “perfect peace” our “contentment” as found only in the Lord is; remains flowing and becomes that tangible feeling; we as still Abba Father’s sons of God; His
Thus, it is that which is able to surpass; to reach above and beyond all our own ability tounderstand how to describe; much less to justify and explain to the unbelieving. It is just “strength” we lay all back in!
Thus beloveds, it truly is that strategically positioning power we have; to exercise over all other powers; even that which is heightened or magnified; as are the twelve tag team strongmen manifestations; we continually find we still must wrestle; despite abundant life.
Paul said he could do everything; including handling poverty while yet being promised to have and live life more abundantly through Him who gave him strength.
Again consider; Paul didn’t declare this as an expression of pride in his own ability; but he did so as a declaration of the strength He’d learned the Lord provided as His grace.
This is why we also must learn how to trust that our being yoked to the Lord; binds to us a most reliable and infallible source of power and authority; by which it behooves us to also “learn”; all things which concern us; remain controlled by our sovereign, omnipotent and omniscient Lord.
This “strategically positioning power over” of our revelatory concept; “contentment” utilized; also conveys having a mind completely “kept”; thus,
This also signifies we’re yoked to that state in which we behave ourselves
This remains true regardless how details of our circumstances, relationships and surroundings might change. Spiritually, those wisely learning to be so; remain too confidently stable; trusting and satisfied; to ever return to being full of disturbed anxietyabout anything; ever again.
Finally as we Selah; consider what happens when we feel led to do something most people might see as being peculiar; like selling below cost or even giving away costly personal things to complete strangers; or certainly being led to giving to those who seem least likely to appreciate what took much out of us to accumulate; much less to obediently give away especially what may well have become what we consider an intricate part of who we are in God!
This post was taken from the Strategically Position Teaching Series of Dr. Aikens