Havilah, a prepared place full of treasured jewels and resources designed to refresh your thirst for revelation, inspiration, and life application information for your daily journey.
In this study we consider the spiritual concept of how being surrendered to what “Becometh Us”; will enable us to move with a persuaded sense of decorum; to commit our way to being led; so yoked and used by the Spirit to fulfill all righteousness; even in sacrificial hours spiritual protocols of Zoe life require of us as God’s spiritual-minded vessels. John 10:7-9.
Consider; spiritual ebbs and flow of those things God purposes to do in destiny; His using us as he sees it becometh us; whether separately; or flowing together as one; still has its powerful distinctions; despite time seeming to pass us by. This includes whether God gives us complete sight or understanding into what He does; other than those small parts it behooves us to know and become obedient to do. Proverbs 19:21
“Father & Fathering” is the subject of this teaching. Including the Revelatory Definitions for Father & Fathering. Father: for most of us simply means that male parent; whether one as a result of DNA or taking on the mantle through relationship; it is all about acting paternally and performing the tasks or duties usually expected of a male parent. Fathering: utilizes characteristics enabling one to stand, even withstand whoever or whatever proves necessary; including denying self; to help another on their journey to seeing, learning and taking advantage of all the roads that lead towards living their best life. The revelatory is this concept exists when men will step up to accept and take on as their own, an overseeing responsibility for and towards all those committed to their care; as they would their biological children.
Revelatory look and defining of Romans 7:18-21 Apostle-aphrased! Although I will give of myself; to be or do more than I may feel equipped or worthy to; that “good I’d deny myself to do”; my will to do so, is present; but I struggle with how to press to perform it. For though I desire to please God; a spiritual law exists; that when I think on doing good; to give as I believe I’m led; inevitably, I also find, “evil present with and thinks to work me”!