Havilah, a prepared place full of treasured jewels and resources designed to refresh your thirst for revelation, inspiration, and life application information for your daily journey.
Consider; spiritual ebbs and flow of those things God purposes to do in destiny; His using us as he sees it becometh us; whether separately; or flowing together as one; still has its powerful distinctions; despite time seeming to pass us by. This includes whether God gives us complete sight or understanding into what He does; other than those small parts it behooves us to know and become obedient to do. Proverbs 19:21
As we progress on in our series; we’ll learn Moses, along with Jesus and Paul will form our baseline case studies for this “Revelatory High Calling”. Let us begin now by considering as these “Revelatory Nazarites” they were transcendent transformative characters with elusive spiritual birth certificates solidly revealed in foundational scriptures.