Deny, Deny, Deny (Part 3)
A chat with Dr. Aikens to enable us to understanding the concept of decisive dedication in God.
A chat with Dr. Aikens to enable us to understanding the concept of decisive dedication in God.
A chat with Dr. Aikens on understanding our power of choice and also the benefits of choosing the “One Thing Needful”.
A chat with Dr. Aikens to enable us to understanding and apply the Revelatory gift that you experience in all of her labor of love for The Lord, but especially the Revelatory Expository.
A chat with Dr. Aikens on understanding what it means to serve God with a heart that is perfect toward Him.
A chat with Dr. Aikens on the revelation of 2 Samuel with David after 20 years of serving God, choosing to “tarry still”, and what it cost him to not be where he should have been.
A chat with Dr. Aikens to enable us to understanding the concepts of enquire, inquire and require of the Lord.
This podcast will give you understanding that if God sends you THERE and you walk in His will THERE, you will see increase. Jeremiah is her Biblical example in the Revelatory teaching. This Point of Power Podcast from the series Strategically Positioned for increase in God.
Getting an Understanding of how it costs us to be holy and acceptable to God. This requires us to not be conformed but being transformed. This Point of Power Podcast is from a Revelatory Series called “Deny, Deny, Deny”.
Dr. Aikens gives Revelatory explanation and definitions of this concept of It Becometh & Connecting Signs. Revelatory 1:1-3 This Point of Power Podcast is a defining of a power concept that we as believers need to understand so we can walk in them.
Romans 12:1-2 is about decisively dedicating of ourselves and then being transformed according to His word and will. This is a New Testament example of being decisive dedication that will always require us to deny ourselves. Listen and embrace the truth of Romans 8:5-11 and how deadly it can be to live after the flesh because we are created to live our life according to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. This Point of Power Podcast gives you wisdom of the word through the power of the Revelatory teaching of Dr. Aikens.