Word for Today Ep#31 The Perverse which God Hates

This episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today" reveals that O.T. Perverse appears 15 times, with different variations and impacts. But, in all references to perverse, God hates them all. One reference signifies that we are guilty of knowing we have heard His will yet rashly go forth being out of order. In this series, "Word for Today," Dr. A. shares life-changing and challenging revelation from the scriptures. Her understanding of the power of biblical characters, words, or concepts seen through revelation is a blessing to all that have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.  This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him and experience But, God!

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Fainting in Days of Adversity-Revelatory Concept

This is a new series from Dr. Aikens entitled "Revelatory Words and Concepts" These revelatory nuggets are curated by Jane Babich from Bootcamp Teachings and Podcasts. All of these concepts are rooted in Apostle Aikens heart toward equipping ministries and ministers for the work of the end times. Proverbs 24:10 tells us, "If we faint in the day of adversity; our strength is small." The concept of "fainting" used in Proverbs 24 in Hebrew is "ra'phah," it signifies "If we suddenly feel lackadaisical, sluggish, unresponsive as if dead, or if we back up, fall out or drawback from standing in our day of adversity; we have become part of the problem, not the solution. Adversity Adversity is unfavorable events, circumstances, or conditions marked by misfortune, tragedy, calamity, or distress. Problem A problem is an unwelcome or predicted situation preventing something from being…

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