Tend, Guard and Keep as it Becometh You.

Tend, Guard and Keeping We experience these character traits and skills from people that have loved us deeply and have been there for us in our journey of life's ups and downs. For me, it was my Mom! She was full of love and the bravery to tend, guard and keep her family no matter what. Who has been that for you? Who has set the example of being strong enough to speak the truth as tending you at pivotal times, have guarded you and or kept you with unconditional love? There will be a time that each of us will need to rise and be a life-changing agent by tending, guarding or keeping someone or something. We Rise to Tend Tending Requires a single focus for a season Tending is reaching out and overlooking differences Tending is having a…

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Soft Places in Hard Times

I first heard these two words "Soft Places" tucked together in "Savor" a devotional by Shauna Niequist and I have never forgotten them. As I read these words, they formed a picture in my mind that touched my heart with warmth and a sense of safety that I had experienced in different hard times in my life; and it made me pause, reflect and give thanks for my "soft places". We all have had hard times, and when we do we often look for those soft places, even if just for a few hours. Soft Places Active Listening can be done anywhere Sitting in a Peaceful Place No Questions or Judgement That soft place can be a place to rest, enjoy a beverage with a listening ear or maybe just be silent. But that place needs to be free from the pricks…

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Struggling to Unlearn

Learning is a powerfully stimulating process that we all are drawn and influenced to do throughout life. We are created to learn, so as a child we are voracious learners. Then family takes over the learning process and we are like sponges around them, learning both good and bad behaviors and mindsets. Maybe we learn to walk, tie our shoes, dress, brush our teeth and somewhere along with the way maybe some adult language or not eating breakfast. Whatever we learn in our forming years will only be a portion of what we carry with us through life. Then, we all reach the season where we THINK we know all that we need to know. You know what I mean, those great young adult years of "You don't tell me, I know what I need to do". This season of…

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World View People

People see people differently. Everyone has a natural way they view people and life; it makes us who we are and how we interact with people, circumstances and opportunities. Part of crafting our legacy is recognizing it when we meet someone with a world view. I call this a divine encounter because if we realize it or not, we meet people with a world view to give us an opportunity to expand our influence or impact of the world we live in. Do you know what I mean? They are the ones that allow us to see the world as we would not have seen it, without the encounter. The encounter can face to face, at a conference, in a book or listening to a podcast. The medium of the encounter does not matter, because no matter the way we…

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Calm the Roaring Lion Gently

Our legacy is what others have seen, benefited from or heard that remains with them. Being someone that can bring peace in a storm is a wonderful part of anyone's legacy. My greatest experiences in bringing that calm came by making mistakes and watching others that brought me peace in my storms. If you are a calming element of grace, thank you! If you are in the learning curve of cultivating this ability, read on and take what can add to your legacy of being a calming agent of peace and grace. You walk into the room welcomed by the sound of a loved one deeply crying. For a moment you stand still surrounded by questions you want to ask and comfort you need to give. At the same time, your mind reverts back to times in the past that…

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