Word for Today Ep#10 Chaos

This episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today" reminds us that although we may experience Chaos within our life, God is never caught off guard and He is greater that any chaos of our life. Glory! In this episode of "Word for Today," Dr. Aikens shares the life-changing truth that God and His love is sure and full of all resources and strength that we need in times of Chaos. This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him and experience But, God!

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Word for Today Ep#06 Subtility

This episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today" reveals to us the revelatory truth we need to know about Genesis 3:1 and the Subtility of the serpent in the Garden of Eden In this episode of "Word for Today," Dr. Aikens shares the life-changing truth of the three definitions of Subtility and how it is used as idle words from the enemy to cause us to question what we have heard from God. This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him and experience But, God!

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