Given into by God

In Daniel 1:2 The Word says that God gave into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, King Jehoiakim, and Judah.  The biblical account goes on to tell us that in that giving into, was Daniel, a man of excellent spirit.
Have you ever felt like you had been given into a situation by God?  Well if you are His, you probably have been.  Those times that you find yourself in a situation that you know in all honesty you did not pray for, ask for or ever imagine you would be in; but you know He placed you there.
As I prepared for this study; it made me reflect back to my younger years with my husband.  We loved and were very good at dancing.  Anytime we went dancing someone would come up and tap on his shoulder requesting an opportunity to dance with me.  Now you see, my Honey and I had already prepared for these “opportunities” from others.
We agreed that if he was ok with me dancing with the other gentlemen; he would take my hand and place it into the hand of the gentlemen; if he was not ok with it; we just danced on.
I have to tell you that there were times I was not happy who he placed me into the hand of.  But because I knew he never took his eyes off of us while we danced, I was at peace.  I knew that when it was time, he would come back up and tap ME on the shoulder.  When I got that tap I knew it was time to come back to him and dance, so I quickly let go of the other person and turned to the one that I knew, trusted and loved…and we danced on.
Just as with that wonderful comfort I had on the dance floor, how much more can we trust our Lord God!  Daniel knew his God and even though he did not understand or like that he had been given into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar; he knew that God had his eye on him and when it was time; he would touch Daniel and bring him out and unto where he was to be.
In Daniel 6:28, after much adversity, Daniel held fast to what he knew of his God, and God delivered him out of the hand of adversity and The Word tells us that Daniel prospered in the reign of the current Rulers of his time.
Here are 3 things to remember about being given into, that I learned in the dance of life with a loving God.
1) If we keep our life in His hand, we will not fear when He gives us into a new season of life; even if it is one that we do not like or understanding.
2) While you are in that season of being given unto; do your best, give your best and know that He never takes His eyes off of you.
3) Be ready at all times for the “tap” on your shoulder that reveals that it is time to return unto Him to continue on.  Never get so into your “season” that you miss the gentle tap that says lit is time to eave and return.
4) Leave all residue of the given into season there and return to the dance of life with fullness, without question and with faith knowing you had done what was asked of you.
As Daniel, we all desire to be of an excellent spirit and hold onto our integrity during the times of adversity, so hold fast and know that your God loves you more that you can imagine…Glory.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Susan Fleming

    First let me say that this was very healing to me. The dancing metaphor so clearly expressed to me a little more of God’s hand in the circumstances of my life. I needed that today – Thank you, Jane, for pouring into my life.

    1. Jane R Babich

      Susan, Praise Him for touching you through this post from a memory of a special time with my husband. Writing it was healing for me also! Thanks.

  2. Pam Taylor

    A very redeeming post. Love the metaphor! God’s got our back. Just like in beautiful ballroom dancing. The man with the hand at the small of the back, gently guiding and leading the partner safely across the dance floor…moving together as one.
    I think of the verse in Zephaniah the Lord rejoicing/dancing/singing over us.

    1. Jane R Babich

      Pam, Thank you much! I love your add to the picture of us dancing with the Lord. I am blessed it inspired you.

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