Building Your Legacy Tips-Ep#09 Keeping Company

Building Your Legacy Tips Episode #09 To keep company, we need to set aside our needs and plans, and that can be hard, but it is necessary to experience the joy that awaits as we just are Him to someone else. "Building Your Legacy Tips" is a series of short podcasts to help you understand and build your legacy because we all build a legacy every day, so do it as it becometh you.

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Word for Today Ep#08 Fainting in the Days of Adversity

This episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today" comes from Proverbs 24:10. It tells us, "If we faint in the day of adversity, our strength is small. Dr. A. gives insight to our strength being small and how we find God's strength in those days. ." In this episode of "Word for Today," Dr. Aikens shares the life-changing truth about God's strength and how we can all be overcomers in the days of adversity that will surely come to us all. This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him and experience But, God!

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Building Your Legacy Tips-Ep#08 Respect the Press

Building Your Legacy Tips Episode #08 Philippines 3:14 says, "I press toward the goal for the prize of the high call of God in Christ Jesus." This is how we live, and this is also the focus of all those that are His. Learn how this changes our view of others and what they focus on for His glory. "Building Your Legacy Tips" is a series of short podcasts to help you understand and build your legacy because we all build a legacy every day, so do it as it becometh you.

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Word for Today Ep#07 Upheld by God’s Hand

This episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today" teaches us the precious revelatory understanding of Psalm 37:17, "arms of the wicked shall be broken, but the Lord upholds His righteous." Glory! In this episode of "Word for Today," Dr. Aikens shares the life-changing truth that God not only upholds all His that may fall, so raise those easily beset or encombered; with a sure hold of as born up or established. Praise His name. This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him and experience But, God!

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Building Your Legacy Tips-Ep#07 Preparation

Building Your Legacy Tips Episode #07 Closed preparation is when we have the outcome in mind and work towards it with focus regardless of what is revealed as we journey. But Open preparation is how we want to build our legacy and life. Learn more in this episode of the "Building Your Legacy Tips" podcast series. "Building Your Legacy Tips" is a series of short podcasts to help you understand and build your legacy because we all build a legacy every day, so do it as it becometh you.

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Word for Today Ep#06 Subtility

This episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today" reveals to us the revelatory truth we need to know about Genesis 3:1 and the Subtility of the serpent in the Garden of Eden In this episode of "Word for Today," Dr. Aikens shares the life-changing truth of the three definitions of Subtility and how it is used as idle words from the enemy to cause us to question what we have heard from God. This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him and experience But, God!

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Word for Today Ep#05 Doing Exploits

In this episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today," she explains for us to do exploits is to obey God with integrity, valor, prowess, and readiness that which He moves us to do in His strength, name, and time what He equips us to do to bring Him Glory. In this episode of "Word for Today," Dr. Aikens shares the life-changing truth about the miracle-working power of God moving through us to do exploits in His name. And that He sees those that have hearts perfect towards Him, and give Him all the glory! This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him and experience But, God!

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Building Your Legacy Tips-Ep#06 Restful Emptiness

Building Your Legacy Tips Episode #06 Restful Emptiness Rest without first emptying ourselves is physical rest, which is needed and good. But rest that follows emptying will enable us to find a fruit-bearing rest of mind, soul, body, and spirit; that will enrich our building ability in God. "Building Your Legacy Tips" is a series of short podcasts to help you understand and build your legacy because we all build a legacy every day, so do it as it becometh you.

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Word for Today Ep#04 Spiritually Unflappable

In this episode of Dr. Aikens's podcast series "Word for Today," she gives us "understanding" on the need and impact of being "Spiritually Unflappable." Being unflappable in the natural is a gift and requires restraint, but being spiritually unflappable is a response to the power and calling God for all that are His. In this episode of "Word for Today," Dr. Aikens shares the life-changing truth that God will give us the power to be unflappable if we will rest in Him and not our own strength. ' This 2-minute podcast gives hope to all who know Him, for we will all have and experience perilous times. But, God!

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Building Your Legacy Tips-Ep#05 Forgiveness

Building Your Legacy Tips Episode #05 Forgiveness Forgiveness releases a spirit of gratitude in our life. I express my gratitude to God first and then to those that He uses to give me cause to be a forgiving, grateful, and fruitful builder of a well-crafted legacy. "Building Your Legacy Tips" is a series of short podcasts to help you understand and build your legacy because we all build a legacy every day, so do it as it becometh you.

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