Exposure is powerful.
Exposure is hard to forget.
Exposure causes a reaction.
Exposure demands a response.
Exposure can be the start or foundation of something or the capstone or finishing off of something. Exposure can cause a reaction. Exposure demands a response.
The root word to exposure is “expose”, which comes from Latin word exponere or expound, and was influenced by the Latin word expositus or to “set out” and the Old French word poser or “to place”. It is important to know the history of a word because it gives clarity and understanding.
Expose is to reveal, set out, and to place. When we are exposed to something, it is going to cause a reaction and demand a response. The reaction is emotional, the response being foundational of what we do with what we have been exposed to.

Twenty years ago I was exposed to this devotional. Oswald’s work became foundational to who I am today.
My reaction to being exposed to this devotional twenty years ago was “amazed” because almost every page was like the author was speaking directly to me. My response to being exposed was that reading devotionals became part of my daily morning time, and I still read a have devotionals as part of my still is today. Devotionals became foundational to my relationship with God and beneficial to how I see myself and my relationship with others.
I have read many devotionals since I read My Utmost for His Highest. Traditional devotionals are written to be read daily for a month or year, by having 365 or 30 daily devotional pages. Then there are ones that are not written as a devotional, but I have read as a devotional, such as Everyday Blessings , Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are. These are written in a way that I was able to read a page or chapter a day, just as traditional devotional.
Each and every book I have read as a devotional has strengthened my spiritual foundation and brought a change of some kind to my behavior, character, or relationships; which are all part of being changed to the image and likeness of God.
My daughter Rebecca gave me the book, Everyday Blessings for a Mother’s Day gift a few years ago, and I pull it out and read it regularly. Each day discusses a word from the Biblical perspective, such as Hope, Trust, Ambition, and Friendship, just to name a few. I was so impacted by this book I have made social media posts of many of the words to share the core information with the hope that it will sure up foundations and be as beneficial to others as it has for me. See below some of the posts I have created.

Devotionals Create Devotion
I love devotionals of all types, and I need my daily devotional time. Together they create devotion in me, remind me of the tenderness of God towards me, and reveals to me His Word in different ways and also how to apply His Word in my life daily.

Devotional time is a quiet time that you set aside to focus on God, spend time praying, and reading God’s Word so you can reflect on your relationship with Him. The point is to spend a little time each day to open up your heart and mind to the Word of God and reflect on His love for you.
Devotion is defined as:
Devotion is defined as, consecrated and intentional dedication, faithfulness, and steadfastness to a person, calling, or belief. Devotion grows and deepens in us as our understanding of the purpose of our connection increases.
Devotion can be a response of training, such as with some military groups, social organizations, or even sports teams. And as strong as this devotion is, until unconditional love is given and received, the devotion does not grow and deepen; and can even dissipate with hard times.

Devotion stands the test of time when it is rooted in unconditional love. Just as this dog is giving his total attention awaiting the instructions of his master, so should be our position in our daily devotional time. We read The Word, pray, and partake of a Devotional that helps open us to hear God when He speaks.
Tips for daily devotional times:
- Select a daily time that fits best with your schedule.
- This can change over time, but pick a time to start with.
- Set this time as an appointment on your calendar.
- This makes it a priority.
- Select a place in your home that can be quiet at the time you selected.
- The spot may not always be quiet, but it normally is at the time you have selected.
- Select a devotional to read. You can read it digitally or as a printed book.
- If you do not know which to read, I suggest one of the books I used as examples. Or ask your spiritual mentor for a suggestion.
- Gather other items and keep them in a basket that you can take to your quiet place if you can’t keep them there.
- Suggested items: Bible, Pen, Highlighter, and notebook
- Select a journal, either paper or digital, whichever works for you.
- I use Evernote, a free note archive system.
- Set an alarm on your phone as an invitation to your daily devotion time.
- I do not recommend you make a hard end to your daily devotional times because each day will be different, just start on time, and stop when you feel to stop.

Finally, come each time to your daily devotions with an expectation to bless God, hear from God, and be forever changed by degrees and turns.
Write in your notebook, journal, or devotional books. Over time they become an ongoing conversation between you and God that creates a deeper, stronger, devotion to Him.
Then in your times of reflection, you will see the small changes that have taken place in your life and those God knows you love, and that builds confidence in you of His great devotion to you.
I pray that your devotional times are rich in understanding, overflowing with grace, and as life-changing for you as they have been for me. Selah!