Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Have Dominion: in Genesis 1:26, 28 is “radah” (raw-daw) signifying God openly decreed He intended to “let man have complete dominion” to exercise over all other earthly creatures He created as well as all those creeping about in the darkness.
Have Dominion: as “radah” declared sovereign God gave man all the power, authority and liberty to be able to go overtake; tread down; subjugate; prevail against and so reign over that any resistance to his rule would essentially crumble!
It signified Adam as them; would be totally made liable to be viable; and be commanded to not only go fruitfully multiply; but to walk upright before God exercising that dominion given in an integrity that would be seen as his having total mastery.
It signified Adam being given “legal” power and authority to walk and work in the earth having undeniable right; to go as sent; to stand and withstand and all the while exercise this ultimate in controlling power and untold influence God delegated to be viable wielded in earth as His son/agent.
It signified Adam being given “legal” power and authority in being made in God’s image and purposed to walk in the pure prerogative His likeness is.
Consider, it was the first act of grace God extended unto man. For Adam had done nothing to earn all the facets such given dominion covers; except to just be as he awakened to simply inhale the supernatural breath of all God said!
Have Dominion: as “radah” signifies having acknowledged power and authority harnessed by God also as the one true authority.
Only a Sovereign God can grant as well as abrogate; take back; strip away all sense of right, privilege or prerogative of all such spiritual power and or authority totally belonging to; and remaining His; by absolute right; in His being I AM!!